- All (93)
- A Healed Planet (4)
- Building a better business (7)
- Managing expectations from ourselves and others (19)
- Navigating parent-child relationships (1)
- Navigating partnerships and collaboration (5)
- Navigating self-preservation, self-care, and unity consciousness in collaboration (4)
- Self-care (9)
- Self-responsibility and why it’s important in business (1)
- Sovereignty (8)
- Spiritual bypassing (4)
- The gift of resistance (5)
- The magic of curiosity (3)
- What does abundance look like? (12)
- What is on my heart today? (11)
- When dread disease strikes (2)
- Who or what inspires me and why (2)
- Why I do what I do (7)

A Healed Planet Begins with a Healed Mind
Imagine a world where people no longer silence their truth, suppress their emotions, or hold back their true potential. A world where healing begins i...

Beyond the Comfort Zone: Managing Expectations When Success Calls for Change
Sometimes the greatest expectation we can have of ourselves is the courage to evolve, even when the path ahead isn't clearly marked....

Is Curiosity The Superpower We Often Overlook?
Think about the moments in your life when curiosity led you somewhere unexpected....

Are you listening carefully?
Giving someone your full, undivided attention is one of the most valuable gifts you can offer....

My Alternate Reality
What would my ideal world look like, and would I still be doing what I am doing today? I wouldn’t change the physical aspects of our planet because ...

Studies Show That This Sport Is The Stress-Busting Solution
This past weekend, I took a break and headed upstate to NY, hoping for a snowy retreat. While snow is not as common in NY as it used to be, the joy an...

Why consider the Cost of Inaction (COI) today?
By recognizing the cost of inaction and its far-reaching implications, we empower ourselves to make informed choices and prioritize our personal growt...

It’s hard being a drop in the ocean!
Been dragged along by a current towards places unknown, as well as picked up by roque waves and swept forward by stormy winds. Such is the life of a d...

The Soul Behind the Smile
On the 27 Archetypes site (, there’s a quiz called Behind the Smile. As I read through the archetypes, I found myself reflecting on...

Create a New You?….Why?!
"You don't have to reinvent yourself to grow. Just find your flow."...