The Conscious Collaborators Hub

For conversations that matter with entrepreneurs who place empathy before profits

The Soul Behind the Smile

On the 27 Archetypes site (, there’s a quiz called Behind the Smile. As I read through the archetypes, I found myself reflecting on the layers within this theme. The soul behind the smile holds untold stories and quiet strength. What goes on behind the smile of an entrepreneur? What lingers in their minds as they navigate their business, moving from moments of uncertainty to near-thriving, only to face challenges again?

Marriage of Love

A few weeks ago I heard this beautiful piano piece. The music flowed like a graceful, swaying dance of tempo, with a sweet and playful rhythm. The sounds of beauty echoing in the notes. What a musical serenade of the heart and for the soul.

I release you

Have you ever watched the movie The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas? I’ve seen it twice. The first time, I wasn’t prepared for what would happen at the end, and I cried. The second time, over a decade later, my daughter wanted to watch it, so I joined her, having forgotten much of the storyline. It moved me deeply all over again. So why bring up this very sad, heart-wrenching story? Well, I want to ask honestly—how many of us still behave like dictators today, or feel that others impose too much on our lives?

Infinite Bubble Sphere

One of the things I love to do is find my way to a quiet, reflective place, which I call my “bubble space.” This space feels like it’s outside of time—a place that is infinite, expansive, and still. It’s my go-to space for generating ideas.