The Conscious Collaborators Hub

For conversations that matter with entrepreneurs who place empathy before profits

All Roads Lead to Love

Topic: What is on my heart today?
#19 Fire Goddess, #20 Water Goddess, #21 Cosmic Luminary, #22 Resilient Enchantress, #23 Radiant Warrior, #24 Warrior Goddess, #25 Unleashed Mystic, #26 Unleashed Nurturer, #27 Celestial Goddess
Experience of life:
Has journeyed through and found shifts and evolving. Has dealt with lots of heart aches and challenges but marches on with love.
All Roads Lead to Love
The phrase All roads lead to love, and I am love is something I’ve been reflecting on today.
For so many of us, we keep seeking, looking, and sometimes confused about which pathway to take. Which road will lead to full joy and love? Which path will bring fulfillment, for ourselves and others?
Embodying I am love helped me see that I don’t need to search outside myself. I don’t need to travel far, cross oceans, or chase something in the distance to fill a void that once felt like only external love could complete. That seeking, that yearning…. it has passionately been my externally – leaning self.
All roads lead to love – for me – means that no matter the path each person takes, whether crossing mountains, navigating winding roads, or facing life’s many distractions and challenges, it is their own journey to love.
We may cross paths, walk alongside each other, or find our journeys intersecting at times. But each person’s path is uniquely theirs to live, choose, and travel.
I guess in time, each one of us will reach ‘home’ and come to the realization that seeking externally, mapping out countless pathways, and striving endlessly for something outside of us will take us back to the same truth:
All roads lead to love.
I am love.
We are love.

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Picture of Amor Marquez Chibanda

Amor Marquez Chibanda

I’m Maria Amor Marquez Chibanda, creator of the Love Frequency Cards and Co-founder of Masterpiece Magic and I Am Magic. I love treasure hunts, magical carpet rides, cosmic galactic phenomena, and adventures. I am passionate about encouraging others to discover their unique narratives, aiming to ignite the magic in all.
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I hope to see you on your travels.