The Law of Forgiveness, the unspoken, underlying aspect of the Vibrational Marketing Institute’s curriculum.
Just over a year ago, my intuition led me to a quaint bookshop and straight to a pre-loved copy of The Disappearance of the Universe. This book completely changed my perspective on life and on business. I’ve recently explored Hawkins’ emotional scale and the frequency of forgiveness. Pair that with recent reflections on parallel lives and the illusion of time, and I felt called to revisit the audiobook.
Chapter 7: The Law of Forgiveness.
So what makes forgiveness so important? Why make embodying Christ consciousness part of a marketing accreditation?
As entrepreneurs, and as a marketing industry, there is an inherited consciousness of fear, guilt, and shame. Here’s how this plays out…
We make fear-based decisions around getting clients in order to survive. Guilt creeps in when things go wrong, especially when others are negatively affected, resulting in shame. Unless we resolve the fear, this becomes a loop of what it means to be an entrepreneur.
Vibrationally speaking, acting from a place of fear brings about more circumstances that reinforce the fear:
- Personally, we’re misaligned with our highest self;
- We’re disconnected from our ideal clients and, instead, become beacons for those resonating at the same fear-based frequencies we are;
- We have no time, energy, desire, or money as life continues to take from us more than its giving back.
In other words, we block our natural abundance.
The Disappearance of the Universe reminds us of the illusion of life. Whether enjoyed as fact or fiction, it’s definitely something to think about: If our real life is actually a dream… an illusion… a projection of our fear, guilt, and shame… then there is nothing to forgive. As we observe life, and encounter any unfavourable circumstances, we forgive ourselves and others for what DIDN’T happen.
Because only love is real. And what isn’t love doesn’t exist. So any fear, guilt, and shame and the circumstances that elicit these emotions don’t really exist.
While we may not all agree on quantum physics, metaphysics, spirituality, I’m sure we can all agree that a li’l forgiveness won’t cause any harm.
Link: The Disappearance of the Universe