It’s hard being a drop in the ocean!
Been dragged along by a current towards places unknown, as well as picked up by roque waves and swept forward by stormy winds. Such is the life of a drop in the ocean, seemingly coming from nowhere, going somewhere towards an unknown destination.
Over time by sheer desperation, one starts to wonder, is this now the life of just being a drop … been tossed and turned by oceanic circumstances outside of me for no apparent reason or rime?
So, a question begins to arise from within one’s being … Is that it … or is there a possibility of finding tranquility within this turbulence of such oceanic circumstances? Now given that such a possibility does exists, if not outside of me … could I find it within me … and what needs to happen that will make me find it?
What if I move my attention from outside of me to within me and relax …..
As I draw my attention within me, I notice a stillness and calmness of just being in the now, not in the past regarding what has happened, nor the anticipated future regarding what could happen … only “experiencing the presence” of being in the now … as one’s Ocean Experience!
This Brings forth a sense of tranquility as well as an awareness and consciousness of one’s Essence of Beingness, expressed as a deeper and Authentic Self – an individuation of Oceanic Presence. As such experiencing the vastness and profoundness within by seeing the ocean within oneself as an enabling space of Pure Substantiating Potential with Infinite Possibilities!
Subsequently, by authentically operating from within such an enabling space, one is continuously attracting auspicious circumstances as well as synchronistic occurrences that supports him or her in the best possible way, but also for the highest and greatest good of all within the ocean.
Yes, it is hard being a drop in the ocean … if one sees oneself as just a drop!
You may be just a drop but you are also part of the vast ocean, collectively with immense power, huge diversity and beauty. It’s time to get into flow