The Conscious Collaborators Hub

For conversations that matter with entrepreneurs who place empathy before profits

Falling Into Me

Topic: Sovereignty, The magic of curiosity
#27 The Greatest Showman
Experience of life:
Entrepreneurs ready to release what no longer serves them and step into the unknown to create something new

I dip my toe into the illusion. It feels foreign.
At first.
Cautious, careful, afraid of losing what I leave behind.
At worst.

I surrender, and a warm tingle spreads.
Something familiar.
I’ve been here before, this place I’ve never yet been.
Somewhat peculiar.

It’s calling my name, but I don’t hear a voice.
Where’s the sound?
I feel myself landing, but I can’t feel my feet.
Where’s the ground?

Words turning to dust as I speak to be heard.
Don’t they matter?
Pause to share from my head, or to hear from my heart?
I choose the latter.

Without logic or reason, it makes perfect sense.
As I know in this nothing, I have all that I need.


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Picture of Allison Wentworth Ross

Allison Wentworth Ross

I'm Allison Wentworth Ross, a writer, geek, and marketing innovator from Cape Town, South Africa. While being many things to many people, in business I am deeply passionate about making marketing communication meaningful and fun. I am also the founder of Finding Violet and the Vibrational Marketing Institute.
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Sue Daly

A perfect description of illusion, beautiful, thank you